✅Need a help(CoVid) register at http://www.betterworldteam.org with maximum(truthful) details.
इस वेबसाइट में अपने कोविड-19 सहायता अनुरोध को रजिस्टर करें
கோவிட் உதவிக்கு இந்த இணையதளத்தில் பதிவு செய்யவும்
For any clarification, you may get a call from 9443359336 (the BWT helpline number) to verify the request. Please only Telegram/Whatsapp, do not call the number, unless it is very urgent.
On approval, your request will be listed in website for others to see and help. ( http://www.betterworldteam.org/viewVerifiedRequests.html )
🧰DO copy the approved request with live weblink (which will show current status) and send to all your friends and family.
We will also try our best to get you help🙏🏿
Better World Team
(covidfighter.blogspot.com & www.betterworldteam.org by t.me/bwtindia volunteers)